JMap Spatial Table





JMap Spatial is the format used to store JMap’s spatial and descriptive data. It is based on the WKB format (

An existing JMap Spatial table may be used as a spatial data source or a new one can be created to receive data.



Select the JMap Spatial table to be used as a data source. If the table does not exist, you can create it by clicking on Add table.

Adding or modifying a table

Click on Add table to create a new table in JMap Spatial format. You can also select an existing table and click on Edit table to change its name or structure. When creating or editing a table, you can add new fields to the table in the User Attributes tab by clicking on img and remove fields by clicking on . Note that there are other fields in the table displayed on the System Attributes tab. These include geometry fields (vary according to geometry type), spatial index fields, and so on. These fields are created and populated automatically by JMap.

Once the table has been created or modified, it can be used for the spatial data source.

Dernière mise à jour

K2 Geospatial 2022