JMap DWG - DXF reader





JMap Server can read DWG and DXF files produced by Autodesk Autocad versions 12 to 2018 as a spatial data source. Block attributes are read and converted into element attributes.


Selected files

Select one or more DWG or DXF files to read. If selecting more than one file, all files must have the same list of attributes and geometries must be of the same type.


The Autocad file contains a model space and a paper space. The paper space contains additional elements that are intended for printing. Select the space to use in order for the data to be read by JMap (typically the model space).

Line and polygon options

No conversion: No conversion will be done. Convert closed lines to polygons: Closed line objects will be read as polygons by JMap. Convert polygons to lines: Polygon objects will be read as lines by JMap.

Block reference options

No conversion: No conversion will be done. The different types of objects (lines, polygons, …) will be treated separately by JMap. Convert block references to complex elements: The different types of objects (lines, polygons, annotations…) that compose the blocks will be read together and treated as complex elements by JMap. The maximum size of annotations (texts) is 255 points. The annotations are not displayed at very large scales (zoom too close to the complexes). Convert block references to points: JMap will replace block references by points. This has the effect of considerably reducing the size of the data when the blocks are composed of many objects.


Select one or more layers to include in the data source. Data on other layers will not be read.

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