Configuring Projects
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The configuration interface of a project allows you to access information on the project. This interface also contains functions to configure various parameters, such as the initial view of the project in the applications.
General information. Information configured when creating the project.
Project settings. The project’s parameters. They are configured when the project is created. The project’s extent corresponds to the extent of the layers that make up the project. When the project does not have any layers, the values are equal to 0.
Initial view settings. These parameters are specified when the project is created. The initial view is defined by clicking on in the Preview section. By default, the initial view corresponds to the extent of the project. When the project does not have any layers, the values are equal to 0.
References. This section indicates the deployed applications that use this project.
Mapbox cache. This section presents the size of the cache for the project’s vector tiles. It also indicates if you want to automatically delete the cache of the vector tiles. You can clear the cache by clicking on .
Layers. This section shows a list of the project layers and their statuses. Shortcuts allow you to access the interfaces to add and organize layers.
It opens a JMap Web application in a new browser window.
The preview offers most of the functionality of JMap Web applications and allows you to validate the project’s configuration.
The JMap Web preview does not allow data editing. Data editing can be done in a JMap Web type application.
It opens a JMap NG application in a new browser window.
The preview offers most of the features of JMap NG applications and allows you to validate the project configuration.
The JMap NG preview does not allow data editing. Data editing can be done in a JMap NG type application.
It opens a JMap Pro application offering most of the functionality of JMap Pro applications. You can validate the project configuration.
The JMap Pro preview does not allow data editing. Data editing can be done in a JMap Pro type application in which the JMap Edition extension is enabled.
You can also delimit the initial view of the project, when it is opened in JMap Pro applications. Click on . A rectangle displays to delimit the initial view. When you close the preview, the geographic coordinates of the initial view are automatically saved.
You can synchronize the project with JMap Cloud, the cloud based platform developed by K2 Geospatial. Beforehand, you must connect to JMap Cloud. The JMap Server Settings section offers details on this subject.
Project properties, layers with their associated spatial data sources, order and hierarchy of layers are reproduced in JMap Cloud. Warning, the link between the project in JMap Server and the project in JMap Cloud is not preserved, therefore, changes in the properties or the order or hierarchy of the layers in the project on JMap Server are not synchronized with JMap Cloud .
To synchronize the project with JMap Cloud:
In the project configuration interface, press Sync with JMap Cloud…. A window opens offering you some options:
Name: Specify a new project name that will be used in JMap Cloud. If the project uses multiple languages, the name specified here will replace the default language value. All translations are synchronized.
Copy: A copy of the project layers (configuration and data) and their spatial data sources is created in JMap Cloud. No JMap Server → JMap Cloud link is created. When a layer is updated on JMap Server, the data is not synchronized with JMap Cloud.
Copy and synchronize automatically: A copy of the project layers (configuration and data) and their spatial data sources is created in JMap Cloud. A JMap Server → JMap Cloud link is created. When a layer is updated on JMap Server, the layer and its spatial data source are automatically synchronized with JMap Cloud.
Select an option and press OK. Since there is no link between the project in JMap Server and the project in JMap Cloud, no information is provided about the project on JMap Cloud.
Press again Sync with JMap Cloud…. A new window opens. This indicates that some layers of the project are already synchronized with another project on JMap Cloud. The options offered are:
Skip these layers: The synchronization will not affect the layers already synchronized.
Associate the synchronization with the selected project: The synchronization will create the whole project in a new project on JMap Cloud.
The options for the project layers are similar to those described in point 1.
The image producer of a JMap project is used to produce images on demand for that project. These images are used for JMap Web applications. When a user works in JMap Pro, the image producer is not used because the data is transferred in vector format (except for photos).
Normally, the image producer’s settings do not need to be modified because the default configuration is adequate. The following table describes the settings of the image producer.
Memory settings
Maximum size
The maximum amount of memory allotted to the project’s image producer. This memory is used to store the project’s vector data in order to accelerate the production of images. For very large projects, this setting can be increased.
Memory usage
The amount of memory currently used. The left value varies depending on usage. The right value is the maximum amount of memory allocated to the image producer.
Usage peak
Maximum memory size reached since last JMap Server startup.
Memory release
Determines the percentage of memory to be released when the memory of the image producer is saturated.
Thread pool settings
Initial size
The number of threads determines the number of images that can be produced simultaneously.
Maximum size
If the number of threads increases due to high demand, this value limits the number of threads.
Pool usage
Number of threads currently used (left value) out of the maximum number allocated (right value).
Usage peak
Maximum number of threads reached since last JMap Server startup.
View wait timeout
The maximum period before an image request expires. This option is usually disabled.
Extensions which are compatible with the new generation applications, JMap NG and JMap Survey, must be configured and activated to make them accessible to the users of these applications which publish the project.
To enable the extension, slide the switch in the Extensions section of the project configuration interface.
The chapter JMap Server Extensions provides details on the configuration of extensions in JMap Server.
Extensions. This section presents the list of JMap extensions configured for the project. The switch next to the name of each extension enables or disables the extension in the JMap NG and JMap Survey applications which publish the project. The section provides more details on this topic.
Preview. This section displays when the project contains at least one layer. It shows a map preview, and you can zoom in or out on it. Click on to open a or a in a separate window or a in which you can define the initial view and test the project configurations. You can select a base map for the JMap Web preview: None, OpenStreetMaps, Mapbox maps, and Bing maps, if they are available for your organization.
These buttons allow you to , modify or delete the project configuration.
The menu allows you to access the , , and sections as well as the section.
JMap Web preview also allows you to configure the initial view of the project when it is opened in JMap Web applications. To do this, click on and then on Initial extent. A rectangle displays to delimit the initial extent. Click on Maximum extent to display the maximum extent. When you close the preview, the geographic coordinates of the initial extent are automatically saved.
Copy and synchronize manually: A copy of the project layers (configuration and data) and their spatial data sources is created in JMap Cloud. A JMap Server → JMap Cloud link is created. When a layer is updated on JMap Server, the layer and his spatial data source are not automatically synchronized with JMap Cloud. You can launch a manual synchronization by pressing in the JMap Cloud section of the layer configuration interface (Sharing a layer with JMap Cloud) and the spatial data source (Sharing a vector SDS with JMap Cloud).
To configure the extension at the project level, click on the extension name in the menu. Once the configuration is complete, press Save.