Annotations in a database





JMap has its own storage format for annotations in database tables. If you have any annotations in this format, JMap Server can use them as a spatial data source. Annotation tables in JMap format have a certain number of required fields, as explained in the table below. An SQL query must be provided. The query will be executed to read the data and it can access more than one table at a time.

The database connection must already be configured. Refer to the Creating Databases section for more details on this topic.



Select the database from which the data must be read. This database must already be configured in JMap Admin.

SQL query

Enter the SQL query used to extract annotations from the database.

Geometry table

Select the physical table containing the geometries. By clicking on Load, you will obtain the list of fields returned by the query. This action is necessary to configure the remaining parameters.

X field

Select the field containing the X coordinate of the lower left position of the text.

Y field

Select the field containing the Y coordinate of the lower left position of the text.

Id field

Select a field containing unique identifiers. Only fields containing integer numbers are listed.

Text field

Select the field containing the annotation text.

Height field

Select the field containing the height of the annotation, indicated in data units.

Angle field

Select the field containing the rotation angle of the annotation text. The angle is indicated in degrees and increases clockwise. The zero value indicates that the text is horizontal.

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