JMap Pro Applications

The following settings apply to JMap Pro applications.

Application options


Select the project to open when JMap Pro is started.


Select the language to use in JMap Pro. The elements of the graphical interface (menus, buttons, text in windows, etc.) will be in the selected language.

If you select the Automatic option, the language of the graphical interface will be the same as the language defined in the regional options of the user’s system.

If the aforementioned language is not supported by JMap, the language of the interface will be set to English.

The project configuration (names of layers, mouseover bubbles, etc.) will be in the selected language, provided translations into this language are available in the project. If you select the Automatic option, the language of the project will be the same as the language defined in the regional options of the user's system. If the user's system language is not available in the project, the default language defined in the project will be used.

Map rotation

You can define the rotation to be applied to the map when opening the application.

Controlled access

This option allows you to determine if access to this application must be controlled. If this option is activated, an authentication window will appear when the application is launched. If this option is not selected, the project must allow anonymous sessions.

Enable single sign-on

Select this option to activate single sign-on for this application. Note that single sign-on must be configured on JMap Server for this option to be available.

When JMap Pro is started, if single sign-on cannot work, an authentication window will be automatically displayed. Refer to the Single Sign-On section for more information.

Embedded in the browser

Select this option to integrate the JMap application in a web browser window as a Java applet. Otherwise, the application will open in its own window. Note: This option is not recommended because Java execution is no longer supported by most web browsers.

Show deployment name in the application title bar

Select this option to show the deployment name in the application title bar. This is useful when multiple application are open.


Connection type

Select the connection method to be used between the client application and JMap Server. Direct connections are usually appropriate for internal use; proxy connections are destined to users outside the local network. Proxy connections use the HTTP protocol and therefore can go through firewalls more easily.

Max. memory for data

Select the maximum amount of memory that can be used to store vector data in the client application. When this limit is reached, the application will free up memory by deleting old data in order to store new data. The default value of 128 MB is appropriate for most sets of data but you may have to adjust it when you have a large amount of data to display.

Max. Heap size

Select the maximum amount of memory that can be assigned to the application to store all the settings and data needed to run it. This memory includes the memory previously configured for vector data. This amount of memory should always be higher than the maximum memory for data. The default value of 512 MB is suitable for most applications, but you may have to adjust it in some cases. Note that the amount of memory used by the application process (as seen in task managers) can exceed this value.

Display this message in login window

You can optionally add a message that will be displayed in the login window to all of the application’s users.

Display projects list in login window

Select this option to display a list of available projects in the connection window. Users can then choose the project they wish to open. The project’s security settings will be used to determine whether or not a user is authorized to open a particular project.

Do not list users

Select this option to hide the list of users in the deployed application. This application can be useful if you must hide the accounts of internal users when you deploy an application that is accessible to the general public via the Internet. The users list serves various purposes, such as sharing contexts and sending maps by email.

Parent path of .jmap folder

This advanced setting allows you to specify a different location than the default for the .jmap folder. This folder contains JMap Pro settings and cached data. Specify the desired location of the .jmap folder.



Will give you this final folder:


Map options

Show map overview by default

Select this option to display the overview window when the application opens.

Display scalebar

Select this option to display a graphic scalebar in each application map. The user can add or remove the bar during his/her session.

North arrow

Select this option to display a graphical arrow pointing north in every map of the application. The user can add or remove the arrow during his/her session. You can decide which model you wish to use, its size, and where it will be positioned on the map.



Defines the position of the logo on the map.

Offset X

Defines a horizontal offset value in relation to the selected position.

Offset Y

Defines a vertical offset value in relation to the selected position.


Indicate the partial transparency of the logo (0% = opaque, 100% = invisible).


Name of extension and version

Extensions available for JMap Pro applications are indicated here. Select the ones you wish to deploy with the application. Extensions will usually add new windows, menus or toolbar to the application.

Toolbar visible

Select this option to make the toolbar of the selected extension visible when the application starts up. Otherwise, the user can display the toolbar on request.

GUI visible

Select this option to display the windows and other components of the selected extension’s graphical interface when the application starts up. Otherwise, the user can display them on request.

Extra parameters

Some extensions can take entry parameters when the application starts up. If this is the case, these parameters can be inserted in this field for the selected extension.

Click on Finish to complete the deployment process.

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K2 Geospatial 2022