General Settings

The layer general settings section is accessible by clicking on the settings drop-down menu, then selecting General in the layer details section. This section allows you to specify basic layer parameters. These parameters are described below, along with the visibility thresholds.


Scale thresholds

Scale thresholds are used to control the visibility of a layer according to the scale of the displayed map. This is useful when you want to hide elements of a specific layer beyond (or under) a certain scale. For example, you might not want to display the local street layer when looking at the whole territory of a country. Using the thresholds, you could specify that the local streets are to be visible only when looking at a map with a scale greater than 1:100000. In that case, you would specify a minimum scale of 1:100000, without indicating a maximum scale.

Dynamic refresh

The dynamic refresh of the layer is used to automatically reload the data of a layer after a configured delay, without the need for the user to manipulate the map. This can be useful for layers that contain data that is updated regularly, such as layers of vehicle tracking (AVL). This is an alternative to the use of layers by region to have dynamic data.

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K2 Geospatial 2022