
JMap Pro Startup Parameters

The JMap Pro application takes certain parameters when it is started up. These parameters specify the address of the JMap Server, the communication ports, the project to open, and many other options.

Parameters are passed to the application in various ways, depending on its starting mode. Java and JavaWebStart applet parameters are passed in the application’s JNLP file. Application parameters are passed to the command line or can be specified in an Ant script.

The following example shows the parameters passed to the command line to start a JMap Pro application that opens the project The World and loads the extension Showcase.

-appclassname jmap.viewers.docking.AppDocking -server -directport 7003

-project "The world" -extensions jmap.examples.showcase.extension.ShowCaseClientExtension

The following table describes the various parameters:

Parameters (* = mandatory)

-appclassname *

Main class of the application to run. Currently, the only possible value is jmap.viewers.docking.AppDocking.

-server *

The name or IP address of the JMap server to which the application must connect.


IP communication port for direct connections with JMap Server.


IP communication port for connections through HTTP proxy with JMap Server.


The project that will open by default. Must be enclosed in quotes if the name contains spaces.


Language of the application’s GUIs. Supported values are fr, en, es, pt, and default. The default value means that the language used will be the default language of the user’s operating system.


The country, used with the language, to determine the display formats of dates and numbers.


The username to log on to the application.


The password to log on to the application.


Specifies the session number in order to connect to a session that is already open on the JMap server.


Instructs the JMap application to locate a position or element automatically upon startup. The syntax is: autozoom-REGION, x, y, width, height OR autozoom-OBJECT; <br />LayerName; <br />attribute, value OR autozoom-OBJECT; <br />LayerName; <br />attribute, value; <br />maxScale


Type of connection to use between the application and the JMap Server. Possible values are: - direct: Opens a direct connection to JMap Server using the direct port. - proxy: Opens a proxy HTTP connection to JMap Server using the HTTP port. - any: Attempts to open a direct connection. In case of failure, switches to connection through HTTP proxy.


If the connection type is HTTP-proxy, specifies a relative path to the HTTP proxy.


If the connection type is HTTP-proxy, specifies on which JMap Server instance the connection must open when multiple instances of JMapServer are available. This way, the HTTP proxy can be used to direct the queries. Server IDs are configured in the jmsconnections.xml files.


Determines whether the login window should show the list of available projects on JMap Server. Possible values: true, false


Determines whether the disk cache is enabled or not. Possible values: true, false


If the disk cache is enabled, determines the folder where the cached data will be saved.


If the disk cache is enabled, determines the maximum size of the total data cache. Data will automatically be deleted when the cache reaches the size limit. The value is expressed in bytes. A value of -1 indicates an unlimited size.


Determines whether the memory cache is enabled or not. If the cache is enabled, the data in memory is handled in the following way: when the space becomes full, i.e. the cache reaches the size limit (-maxmemory parameter), data is automatically removed from the memory. The amount of data removed depends on the specified percentage (percentreleasememory parameter). Possible values: true, false


If the in-memory cache is enabled, determines the maximum size of the data in memory.The value is expressed in bytes. The default value is 33554432 (32MB).


Determines the percentage of memory to free when the cache becomes full. The percentage is based on the total size of the cache. The value is an integer between 1 and 100.


List of logos to show on the map as well as their position and transparency. Example -logos “? Jmaplogo.gif x = 5 & y = 5 & transparency = 30.0 & relativeTo = NE”


Display settings for a north arrow on the map, including the model, position, size, etc. Example -northarrow Simple3D, 0,50,5,5


Determines whether the scale bar must be displayed on the map. Possible values: true, false


The list of extensions to initialize at application startup, separated by commas. Example -extensions jmap.extensions.googlemap.client.GoogleMapsExtension, jmap.examples.showcase.extension.ShowCaseClientExtension

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K2 Geospatial 2022