Some map elements will display a tooltip when you touch them or when you click on them. The tooltip contains information on the element's attributes, and it can include text, hyperlinks to open documents or videos in their native applications, photos, etc.
Tooltips also provide access to tools for editing items (if the layer is editable and you have the editing permissions) and to information reports (if the layer has reports configured).
Tooltips are displayed temporarily for one element at a time.
To display a tooltip:
Click on an element whose tooltip you wish to display. The tooltip automatically appears.
Click on a photo to enlarge it and to display its title and comments.
If the photo is a 360-degree photo, the viewer opens automatically in panoramic mode.
Use the and buttons to navigate the photo or to view it in full screen.
Click on to see the photo in standard mode.
Click on to see the photo in panoramic mode.
Click on to close the 360-degree photo viewer.
Click on to download the photo.
Click on another photo to enlarge it.
In the tooltip, click on to modify the element. The Editing Data section contains the details of this topic.
In the tooltip, click on to open the feature information report. This icon only appears in the tooltip of layers that have reports of information configured. The Information Reports section provides details on the subject.
Click on to close the tooltip or click on another map object to open its tooltip.
You can interactively select map elements that belong to one or more layers using the selection tools. After doing this, you can view the attributes of the selected elements and export the data in various formats.
The selection tools are found in the Selection panel.
To select elements in layers, you must first make these selectable. For detailed steps on how to do this, refer to Making layer elements selectable.
The Selection panel contains the selection tools that are available in the application.
Click on to open the Selection panel. The icon changes color .
Selection tools.
The legend indicates the number of layers with elements that are selectable.
Directions to help you make an interactive selection.
The map displays the layers whose elements are selectable.
Select the tool of your choice by clicking on it. The tool's icon changes color. The Interactive selection tools section explains the features of these tools and how to use them.
Select elements in the map. You can select elements from all selectable layers at once.
To add elements to your selection, using the same tool or a different one, press and hold the ⌘ key on a Mac or the Ctrl key on a PC. The instructions at the bottom of the screen indicate how to add or remove elements in your selection.
The Selection results section provides details on how to use the application's tools to work with the selected elements.
Several tools are available to select elements:
Point selection Allows you to select one element at a time by clicking on each one. 1. Click on an element to select it. 2. To add another element to your selection, press and hold the ⌘ key on a Mac or the Ctrl key on a PC. 3. When holding down the ⌘ or Ctrl key, you can click on a new element to add it to the selection, or click on one of the selected elements to remove it from the selection. As you select elements, their information is displayed in the Selection panel.
Line selection Allows you to select one or many elements by drawing a line. All elements that are on the line's path will be selected. Note: this option does not work with layers of points. 1. Click on the map once to indicate where the line starts. 2. Slide the mouse pointer to draw the line. 3. Double-click or press the space bar to complete the line. If you draw another line, the elements selected with the first line will be unselected. The data of the selected elements is displayed in the Selection panel.
Circular selection Allows you to select one or more elements by drawing a circle. All elements that are entirely or partially included in the circle are selected. 1. Click once on the map to define the center of the circle. 2. Slide the mouse pointer to define the radius of the circle. 3. Click again or press the space bar to complete the circle. If you draw another circle, the elements selected with the first circle will be unselected. The data of the selected elements is displayed in the Selection panel.
Rectangular selection Allows you to select one or more elements by drawing a rectangle. All elements that are entirely or partially included in the rectangle are selected. 1. Click once to define one of the vertices of the rectangle. 2. Slide the mouse pointer to define the rectangle. 3. Click again to define the opposite vertex of the rectangle. If you draw a new rectangle, the elements selected with the first rectangle will be unselected. The data of the selected elements is displayed in the Selection panel.
Polygonal selection Allows you to select one or more elements by drawing a polygon. All elements that are entirely or partially included in the polygon are selected. 1. Click to define the first vertex of the polygon. 2. Click to define the following points that form the polygon. 3. Double-click or press the space bar to complete the polygon. If you draw a new polygon, the elements selected with the first polygon will be unselected. The data of the selected elements is displayed in the Selection panel.
The results are displayed in the Selection panel and in the map.
The selected elements will remain selected until they are unselected or until their layer is no longer selectable.
The selected map objects or elements are indicated in yellow on the map. If you click on an element, it remains selected and the other elements are unselected.
This legend indicates the number of selected elements and the number of layers to which they belong.
The name of each layer with the number of selected elements is also displayed.
Instructions to help you select elements on the map. If you use the method described here, the elements selected using the search form will be unselected.
The data table displays the attribute values of the selected elements in tabular form. The elements are listed in the tables lines, and their attributes are shown in the columns.
Click on your browser's back button to return to the table displayed with the map.
You can sort the elements based on the values of a given attribute:
You can also use the table to navigate between the selected elements:
Click on the line of an element in the table. That element is placed in the center of the map.
The tools found in the Measurements panel allow you to measure distances and surfaces (area and perimeter) on the map.
The Measurements panel contains the application's measurement tools.
Click on to open the Measurements panel. The icon changes color .
Tools to measure distances.
Tools to measure surfaces.
Tools to measure circular surfaces.
Tools to: Indicate the number of measurements performed, select measurements to edit or delete them, or delete all measurements.
Instructions on how to make measurements.
Select the measurement tool you wish to use by clicking on its icon. The icon changes color. The Measurement tools section explains the features of these tools and how to use them.
Make your measurements. You can use the different tools; the measurements will all be added to the map, and the distances and/or areas measured will be displayed in the card of the corresponding tool. The total number of measurements made is displayed in the panel.
Several tools allow you to take measurements. They are described below.
This tool allows you to measure distances. The measurement unit in which the distances are expressed is selected in the user settings.
Click on the map once to begin your measurement.
Click on the map to define the vertices of the line.
Double-click or click on the space bar to complete your measurement. The length of each segment and the total length of the line will be displayed in the map. The total distance is also displayed in the Distance card.
Repeat the measurements, as needed. The lines are displayed in the map, and the total distance of all the lines is displayed in the Distance card.
This tool allows you to measure surfaces by drawing polygons. The measurement unit in which the surfaces of polygons are expressed is selected in the user settings.
Click on the map once to begin your measurement.
Click on the map to define the vertices of the polygon.
Double-click or click on the space bar to complete your measurement. The length of each segment, perimeter, and surface of the polygon will be displayed in the map. The surface of the polygon is also displayed in the Surface card.
Repeat the measurements as needed. Polygons are displayed in the map, and the total surface of all polygons measured is displayed in the Surface card.
This tool allows you to measure surfaces by drawing circles in the map. The unit of measurement in which the surfaces of circles are expressed is selected in the user settings.
Click once on the map to define the center of the circular surface you intend to measure.
Slide the mouse pointer on the map to define the circle's radius.
Click on the map or press the space bar to complete the measurement. The radius, circumference, and area (or surface) of the circle are shown in the map. The surface is also displayed in the Circular surface card.
Repeat the measurements, as needed. The circles are displayed in the map, and the total surface of all measurements (circles) is displayed in the Circular surface card.
You can change the shape and location of measurements or delete them. You can only modify the shape of one measurement at a time. You can modify the location of or delete several measurements at once.
Click on Select to select the measurement you wish to modify. The button changes color.
Select the measurement you wish to modify by clicking on it. The vertices of the line, polygon or circle are displayed.
Select a vertex by clicking on it to move it. The vertex turns black.
Drag and drop the vertex to the desired position to change the shape of the measurement.
Click on the map to finish modifying the shape of the line, polygon or circle.
Click on Select in order to select the measurements you wish to move. The button changes color.
Select a measurement by clicking on it. The vertices of the measurement are displayed.
Press and hold the SHIFT key, then click on the other measurements to add them to your selection.
Drag the mouse pointer to move the measurements, and drop them at the desired location on the map.
Click on the map to unselect the measurements.
Click on Select to select the measurements you wish to delete. The button changes color.
Select a measurement by clicking on it. The vertices of the measurement are displayed.
Press and hold the SHIFT key, then click on the other measurements to add them to your selection.
Click on the Delete button, which displays the number of selected measurements in parentheses. The selected measurements are deleted.
Interactive selection tools are displayed in the panel. Refer to for a description of each tool. You can use them to select objects in the map. When you select objects in the map, the objects selected by the search are unselected.
Several tools allow you to work with the selected elements: 1. Click on to modify the selected elements. Refers to the section for details about this topic. 2. Click on to open a selection information report in a new tab in your browser. Refers to the section for details about this topic. 3. Click on to place all of the selected elements in the center of the map. The scale will change, and it is possible that the layer will no longer be visible. 4. Click on to open a table displaying the attribute data of the selected elements. The icon will darken. The section presents the details of this table. 5. Click on to close the data table. 6. Click on to download an Excel file containing the attributes of all selected elements. 7. Click on to unselect all of the elements.
For each selected element, a card displays the attribute values: 1. Use the mouse pointer to slide down the list of cards and browse it. There is one card for each selected element. 2. Click on an element's card to place that element in the center of the map. 3. Click on to return to the previous view of the map. Click on
to expand the card and display all of its attributes. 4. Click on to minimize the card. 5. Click on to edit the element. Refers to the section for details about this topic. 6. Click on to open the element information report. Refers to the section for details about this topic. 7. Click on to unselect the element. The other elements remain selected.
Click on to close the table. The elements remain selected.
Click on to open the table on a new tab. The table disappears from the tab in which the map is displayed.
Hover the mouse pointer over the header of the column corresponding to the attribute you want to use to sort the data. An arrow displays next to the name of the attribute.
Click on the arrow to enable sorting. The arrow darkens and the elements are sorted in ascending order, based on their value for that attribute.
Click again to change the order. The arrow changes to and the elements are sorted in descending order.
Click on to return to the previous view.
Click on to enable the tool. The icon changes color. Instructions appear at the bottom of the map to help you make your measurements.
Click on in the Distance card to delete the lines.
Click on to enable the tool. The icon changes color. Instructions appear at the bottom of the map to help you make your measurements.
Click on in the Surface card to delete the measurements.
Click on to enable the tool. The icon changes color. Instructions appear at the bottom of the map to help you make your measurements.
Click on in the Circular surface card to delete the circles.
Several tools are available in JMap NG to display information about map elements.
You can created customized maps in JMap NG to save them and share them in other applications or users. Customized maps recreate a specific map environment, including its layers, thematics, scale, measurements, annotations, and element selections.
To create a customized map, you must open the panel named My maps.
The panel named My maps lists all the customized maps. It also contains the tools to create new ones and share them.
Click on to open the My maps panel. The icon will change color .
The Filter field allows you to filter maps based on the terms that you enter and that are found in the title or description of the maps.
Sort by allows you to sort maps based on the date they were created or their title: 1. Select the option in the drop-down menu. 2. Click on the arrow to indicate if you wish to sort the maps in ascending or descending order.
Each customized map is displayed in a card that includes its title, its description, and tools to do the following:
Click on the map of your choice to display it.
To create a new customized map:
Click on Add. The interface to add a new map is displayed.
Enter a title for the map in the Title field. You must give your map a title in order to save it.
If needed, you can enter a description in the Description field.
Click on Save to save the map. The map's card will be displayed in the My maps panel.
To share a customized map:
You can share this link with people, who, with the appropriate access privileges, will be able to open a JMap NG application displaying your customized map (with its measurements, annotations, selected elements, etc.).
People who have the link to your customized map can access the project's standard interface in JMap NG but receive an error message indicating that the sharing of the customized map is disabled.
Information reports present information from the layer or from other data sources that relate to layer elements.
They can be very simple (a PDF document) or they can contain maps, graphics and photos, information which can be static or dynamic, i.e. which can be updated in near real time, depending on report configuration. Tools may also be available to export information to other formats. The JMap administrator can configure several reports for the same layer.
You can view the information report of a single map element or a set of elements issue from a search based on the values attributes of the elements or from the interactive selection on the map.
The icon in a tooltip or in the card of a map element selected from an interactive selection or search, indicates that the layer has at least one report of information.
Name of the map layer.
Name of the report.
The element’s descriptive data.
Tools allowing you to:
Name of the map layer to which the selected elements belong.
Name of the report.
Elements are displayed in rows, and the columns represent the element attributes.
Tools allowing you to:
Data contained in the report can be exported to a CSV file to be processed with other software.
Name of the database containing the data.
CSV is the file format.
You can select a type of encoding for the data.
You must specify a separator for the data columns.
You can specify a column format. This information is important to read the data with databases or other software (when the CSV file is open in Excel, for instance).
The report can be exported to a file.
Format of the file to which the report will be exported. The following formats are available: DOCX, Excel (XLS), OpenDocument Presentation (ODP), OpenDocument Spreadsheet (ODS), OpenDocument Text (ODT), PDF, PostScript (PS), PowerPoint (PPT), PPTX, Spudsoft Excel, Word (DOC), XLSX.
You can select the report pages you wish to export.
You can configure how the report will fit in the file.
The report can be saved in a certain format for printing and sharing purposes.
The format in which the report will be printed. The following formats are available: HTML and PDF. PDF offers three options: - Auto: Adjusts the document automatically. - Actual size: Maintains the current size of the report. - Fit to whole page: Adjusts the size of the report to a single page.
You can select the report pages you wish to print.
Searches allow you to select elements from a layer using the attribute values of these elements. Once you have performed a search, you can review the attribute values of the selected elements and export the information to various formats.
Searches or queries performed in the application are found in the Search panel.
To perform a search, you must start by making the layer you are interested in selectable. Refer to Making layer elements selectable for the steps to do this.
The Search panel contains the searches that are available in the application.
Click on to open the Search panel. The icon changes color .
Groups of queries appear in the panel as cards. Groups can be open, displaying the queries, or closed, displaying only the name of the group.
In the card of a group, click on to open the group and display the searches it contains.
Click on to close the group of queries.
To perform a search:
Click on the search you are interested in to open the form in which the search terms can be entered.
Click on Back to close the search form and return to the Search panel.
Fill out the search form by selecting values in the drop-down lists or entering values in the text fields.
In the drop-down lists, you can speed up the search for the values you want by partially typing them in the filter field. The list only displays the values containing the characters you entered in the field. You must select the value by clicking on it.
Click on Search to launch your search. The search results will be displayed. The following section describes the tools that allow you to work with the search results.
A search selects the layer elements whose attribute values match the terms you entered in the form. Several tools allow you to work with these elements.
The elements selected as search results will remain selected until they are unselected or until their layer is no longer selectable.
The selected map objects or elements are indicated in yellow on the map. If you click on an element, it remains selected and the other elements are unselected.
This legend indicates the number of selected elements and the number of layers to which they belong.
The name of each layer with the number of selected elements is also displayed.
Instructions to help you select elements on the map. If you use the method described here, the elements selected using the search form will be unselected.
The data table displays the attribute values of the selected elements in tabular form. The elements are listed in the tables lines, and their attributes are shown in the columns.
Click on your browser's back button to return to the table displayed with the map.
You can sort the elements based on the values of a given attribute:
You can also use the table to navigate between the selected elements:
Click on the line of an element in the table. That element is placed in the center of the map.
You can edit data in map layers. You must have the relevant permissions for the different types of editing:
Create a new element
Modify the geometry of an element
Modify the values of the attributes of one or more elements
Delete one or more elements
To create a new element:
Click on in the map interface. The Select type of feature to create panel is displayed along with the icon in the sidebar. The panel displays all the layers for which you have the right to create an element.
Click on the layer of your choice to select it and click Next. The Create geometry panel is displayed.
Create the geometry of the element. The following table details the procedure for creating each type of geometry.
1. Click where you want to draw a point.
2. To modify the location of the point, click on it, the point turns yellow, and move it to the desired position.
1. Click where you want to draw the first point of the line. 2. Click to draw the vertices of the line. 3. Double-click to end the line. 4. To modify the line, click on a vertex, which turns yellow, and drag it to the desired location. 5. Repeat until you get the desired geometry.
1. Click where you want to draw the first vertex of the polygon. 2. Click to draw the vertices of the polygon. 3. Double click to draw the last vertex and finish the polygon. 4. To modify the polygon, click on a vertex, which turns yellow, and drag it to the desired location. 5. Repeat until you get the desired geometry.
Click Next to open the form in which to enter the attributes of the element.
Enter the values for each of the form fields. You can upload photos, if the form allows it. To delete a photo, click on the x that appears on the photo when the pointer passes.
Some fields are affected by data validation rules. These rules are configured by the JMap administrator to ensure the quality of the data collected with the form.
Two examples of validation rules:
a) If I select certain values in field A, field B becomes mandatory.
b) I select a value in field A and the field B value is calculated automatically.
You cannot save the form if the values you enter do not meet the validation rules.
Some forms contain subforms to record information related to the element, such as inspections over time. Subforms are a separate section in the form.
To complete a subform you must first create the element.
Subforms are accessible when you want to modify an element. The Modify Attributes sections provide details about that.
Click Create to create the element. This is displayed in the map. The Select type of feature to create panel closes automatically.
You can modify an element of an editable layer, if you have the relevant permissions:
Select the type of editing you want to perform.
Click on Change Geometry to display the panel Update geometry. The geometry of the element is colored yellow.
Click on the element to select it. Lines and polygons display vertices.
If you want to change its position, drag the element and drop it to the desired location.
If you want to change its shape, click on a vertex to select it and drag it. New vertices are created between 2 existing vertices to allow you to modify the shape of the geometry.
Click on Save to save the changes.
Click on Edit info to edit the attribute value of the element. The form is displayed.
Modify the value of the attributes. To delete a photo, click on the x that appears on the photo when the pointer passes.
Click on a photo. An interface displays:
3.3. You can write or edit comments.
Complete the fields of the subform.
Click on Create to create a new entry. The subform closes, and the form displays the entry.
Click on Update to save the changes. The form closes automatically.
Click on Delete if you want to delete the element. A validation message is displayed.
Click on OK. The element is removed from the layer.
You can edit a set of elements you have selected through an attribute-based search or through interactive selection in the map.
To batch modify the set of elements:
Click on Edit info to modify the value of the attributes. The form is displayed.
Modify the value of the attributes. To delete a photo, click on the x that appears on the photo when the pointer passes.
Click on a photo. An interface displays:
3.3. You can write or edit comments.
You can modify the entries of the subforms.
4.2. Complete the fields of the subform.
4.3. Click on Create to create the new entry.
4.5. Edit the field values.
4.6. Click on Update to save the new values.
Click on Update to save the changes. If the form values are correct, the form closes automatically. If the values you entered do not meet the validation rules of the form, an error message is displayed and you cannot update it.
Click on Delete if you want to delete the set of elements. A validation message is displayed.
Click on OK. The elements are removed from the layer.
You can export the map in different formats to print it or insert it in various documents. The tools to configure the map for this purpose are found in the Exportation / Print panel.
The Exportation / Print panel contains the tools to configure the map.
Click on to open the Exportation / Print panel. The icon changes color .
Title Enter the title of the map. The title will appear in the map as you type it.
Subtitle Enter a subtitle for the map. It will appear in the map as you type it.
Paper format In the drop-down list, select the paper format of the map. The different formats are shown in the data frame in real time.
Scale Enter a scale. The map displays the chosen scale in real time. You can change the scale of the map directly in the map interface. The Scale field displays the scale values.
Orientation In the drop-down list, select the paper orientation: Portrait or Landscape. The map displays the selected option in real time.
File type In the drop-down list, select the type of file to which you want to export the map: png, jpeg, or pdf.
Date Select this option to display the date in the map.
North Select this option to display the north arrow in the map.
Scale Select this option to display the bar scale in the map.
Resolution Check the High resolution box if you want to get a high resolution file.
The data frame displayed in the center of the map interface represents the layout that will be exported. It is fixed, and its shape and dimensions vary based on the selected paper format and orientation.
Slide the map in order to have the area you wish to export displayed in the data frame.
Click Download to export the map into a file of the selected format. The name of the file is made up of the title of the map followed by the name of the project. The map image is high definition to ensure its good quality
You can add annotations on the map, such as drawings or text, which can be saved in PDF format with the map.
The Annotations panel contains the application's drawing tools.
Click on to open the Annotations panel. The icon changes color .
Tools to add various types of annotations.
Select This button allows you to select annotations. Delete all This button allows you to delete annotations.
Line These tools allow you to define the width, color, and transparency of lines.
Click on the tool of your choice to enable it. The icon of the tool will change color. The Drawing tools section explains the features of these tools and how to use them.
Create the drawings you wish to add to the map. You can switch between tools to add different types of drawings. They will remain on the map until you delete them.
Several tools allow you to add annotations:
This section allows you to define the fill color and transparency for points, circles, rectangles, and polygons.
This box shows the selected color and its level of transparency. 1. Click on the box to open the fill color selection tool. This tool offers several ways to define the color.
Visual tools to select the color: 1. Select the color in the color bar by sliding the cursor. 2. Select the shade in the color field by sliding the point. The selected color is displayed in the Hex and RGB fields and also appears in the color box.
Hexadecimal (hex) code of the selected color. 1. Enter the hexadecimal code in the Hex field. The color you enter is shown in the box, in the colored bar, in the color field and in the RGB indicators. The Hexadecimal code is displayed in the Fill section at all times.
The color is also set using the RGB code. 1. Enter the R, G and B values of the desired color. All the color indicators display the selected color.
This field shows the level of opacity of the fill color. 1. Select the level of opacity in the second bar by sliding the cursor. Sliding the cursor completely to the right allows you to reach maximum opacity, and sliding it all the way to the left will set the value to maximum transparency. You can also enter the value in the A box. The level of opacity is displayed at all times as a percentage value in the Fill section.
The last selected colors are kepeed in memory.
This section allows you to define the appearance of lines that make up linear drawings as well as the outlines of circles, polygons, rectangles, and points.
Width To define the width of the line, select a value in the drop-down list.
This box displays the color selected for the line and its level of transparency. 1. Click on the box to open the line color selection tool. This tool offers several ways to define the color.
Visual tools to select the color: 1. Select the color in the color bar by sliding the cursor. 2. Select the shade in the color field by sliding the point. The selected color is displayed in the Hex and RGB fields and also appears in the color box.
Hexadecimal (hex) code of the selected color. 1. Enter the hexadecimal code in the Hex field. The color you enter is shown in the box, in the colored bar, in the color field and in the RGB indicators. The Hexadecimal code is displayed in the Line section at all times.
The color is also set using the RGB code. 1. Enter the R, G and B values of the desired color. All the color indicators display the selected color.
This field shows the level of opacity of the line. 1. Select the line's opacity level in the second bar by sliding the cursor. Sliding the cursor completely to the right allows you to reach maximum opacity, and sliding it all the way to the left will set the value to maximum transparency. You can also enter the value directly in the A box. The level of opacity is displayed at all times as a percentage value in the Line section.
The last selected colors are kepeed in memory.
This section allows you to define the appearance of text entered on the map.
Size To set the font size, select a value in the drop-down list.
Rotation Indicate the rotation angle you wish to apply to the text.
This box displays the color selected for the text. 1. Click on the box to open the text color selection tool. This tool offers several ways to define the color.
Visual tools to select the color: 1. Select the color in the color bar by sliding the cursor. 2. Select the shade in the color field by sliding the point. The selected color is displayed in the Hex and RGB fields and also appears in the color box.
Hexadecimal (hex) code of the selected color. 1. Enter the hexadecimal code in the Hex field. The color you enter is shown in the box, in the colored bar, in the color field and in the RGB indicators. The Hexadecimal code is displayed in the Text section at all times.
The color is also set using the RGB code. 1. Enter the R, G and B values of the desired color. All the color indicators display the selected color.
The last selected colors are kepeed in memory.
You can make changes to the annotations and drawings you add to the map. You can change the shape of one drawing at a time. You can change an annotation's appearance and its location, rotate or delete several drawings at once.
Click on Select to select the drawings or text entries you wish to modify.
Click on a text entry or a drawing to select it. The appearance of the drawing's lines will change, and the text will become bold, indicating that the annotation is selected.
Hold the SHIFT key and click on another drawing or text entry to add it to your selection. You can select several text entries or several drawings (circles, points, rectangles or polygons). You cannot select both text and drawings at the same time.
Depending on the type of annotation in your selection, and using the Fill, Line and Text tools, change the appearance of the annotations. The changes will be displayed on the map.
Click on another annotation or on the map to unselect the annotations.
Click on Select to select the drawings you want to modify.
Click on a drawing to select it. The vertices of the drawing appear.
Click on a vertex to select it. The vertex will turn black. New orange vertices are displayed between the original vertices.
Slide the selected vertex to the desired location. The drawing will be modified accordingly.
Make the changes by selecting the vertices you want to work with.
Click on another annotation, or click on the map to unselect the annotation.
You can change the location of annotations. You can only move one text entry at once, but you can move several drawings at the same time.
Click on Select to select the text entry you wish to move.
Click on a text entry to select it. The text becomes bold, indicating that it is selected.
Using the hand-shaped pointer, click on the text, then drag it to the desired location.
Drop the text.
Click on another annotation or on the map to unselect the text.
Click on Select to select the drawings you wish to move.
Click on a drawing to select it. The appearance of the drawing's lines will change, indicating that the annotation is selected.
Hold the SHIFT key and click on another drawing to add it to your selection.
Using the pointer that is shaped like a hand when it's on one of the drawings, drag the drawings to the desired location.
Drop the drawings.
Click on another annotation, or click on the map to unselect the drawings.
You can rotate a selection of drawings or a selection of texts. You cannot rotate a selection of drawings and texts.
Click Select to select the drawings or texts to rotate.
Click on a drawing or text to select it. The lines of the drawing or the appearance of the text change indicating that it is selected. The Rotate(1) button appears indicating an annotation to rotate.
Holding down the SHIFT key, click on another drawing/text to add it to the selection. The Rotate() button displays the number of selected annotations in parentheses.
Click Rotate. An interface opens to allow you to enter the angle of rotation to print to the selected drawings/texts.
Click OK. Drawings/texts are displayed with a rotation.
Click on Select to select the drawings or text entries you wish to delete.
Click on a text entry or a drawing to select it. The appearance of the drawing's lines will change, and the text will become bold, indicating that the annotation is selected.
Hold the SHIFT key and click on another text entry or drawing to add it to your selection. You can select several text entries or drawings (circles, points, rectangles or polygons). You cannot select both text and drawings at the same time. The Delete button indicates the number of selected annotations.
Click on Delete to delete the selected annotations.
This tool allows you to add a customized map. The section titled lists the steps to do this.
Update the map: If the data has changed, click on this icon in order for the customized map record to include the most recent version of the map.
Share the map: Contains tools to share the map and copy it to the clipboard. For details on these functions, refer to .
Delete map context: Click on the icon to delete the map. You can change the title and description of the map: 1. Click on the title or description to place the cursor in the appropriate field. 2. Change the title or description. 3. Click on to save the changes or click on to cancel them.
Click on to open the My maps panel. The icon changes color .
Click on to open the My maps panel. The icon changes color .
In the card of the map you want to share, click on to open the sharing options. Two options are available: Share the map context and Share the map context, then copy the link in clipboard.
Click on Share the map context. The icon changes color , indicating that sharing is enabled. This function creates a URL for your customized map.
Click on Share the map context, then copy the link in clipboard. The icon changes color , indicating that sharing is enabled. This function creates a URL of your customized map and copies it to the clipboard. A message displays, confirming that the link has been copied to the clipboard.
Click on to open your sharing options: Don't share the map context, link will be disabled and Copy shared link in clipboard.
Click on Don't share the map context, link will be disabled. The icon changes color and switches to , indicating that sharing is disabled.
Click on to open the report in a new tab in the browser window.
to a file.
to a file.
The icon indicates that the layer has at least one report of information.
Click on to open the report in a new tab in the browser window.
to a file.
to a file.
Attributes that contain descriptive data for the element and that are available to be exported. Using the and arrows, you can select the attributes you wish to export.
Attributes that are exported to the file. Using the and arrows, you can remove attributes from the selection. Using the and arrows, you can modify the order of the attributes in the file.
Interactive selection tools are displayed in the panel. Refer to for a description of each tool. You can use them to select objects in the map. When you select objects in the map, the objects selected by the search are unselected.
Several tools allow you to work with the selected elements: 1. Click on to modify the selected elements. Refers to the section for details about this topic. 2. Click on to open a selection information report in a new tab in your browser. Refers to the section for details about this topic. 3. Click on to place all of the selected elements in the center of the map. The scale will change, and it is possible that the layer will no longer be visible. 4. Click on to open a table displaying the attribute data of the selected elements. The icon will darken. The section presents the details of this table. 5. Click on to close the data table. 6. Click on to download an Excel file containing the attributes of all selected elements. 7. Click on to unselect all of the elements.
For each selected element, a card displays the attribute values: 1. Use the mouse pointer to slide down the list of cards and browse it. There is one card for each selected element. 2. Click on an element's card to place that element in the center of the map. 3. Click on to return to the previous view of the map. Click on
to expand the card and display all of its attributes. 4. Click on to minimize the card. 5. Click on to edit the element. Refers to the section for details about this topic. 6. Click on to open the element information report. Refers to the section for details about this topic. 7. Click on to unselect the element. The other elements remain selected.
Click on to close the table. The elements remain selected.
Click on to open the table on a new tab. The table disappears from the tab in which the map is displayed.
Hover the mouse pointer over the header of the column corresponding to the attribute you want to use to sort the data. An arrow displays next to the name of the attribute.
Click on the arrow to enable sorting. The arrow darkens and the elements are sorted in ascending order, based on their value for that attribute.
Click again to change the order. The arrow changes to and the elements are sorted in descending order.
Click on to return to the previous view.
Click on the item you want to edit to display its tooltip. If the layer is editable and you have the necessary permissions, the icon will appear in the tooltip.
Click on to edit the item. A window is displayed indicating the modifications available according to your permissions: Change geometry, Edit info or Delete.
3.1. Click on to switch to panoramic (3D) display mode.
3.2. Click on to download the photo to your device.
Click on to open the subform and add a new entry.
When you have selected items, the Selection panel is displayed. Among the functions available for working with selected items, the icon indicates the batch edit function of the selected items.
Click on in the Selection panel. A window is displayed indicating the modifications available according to your permissions: Edit info or Delete. You cannot modify the geometries of a set of elements. The window also displays the number of elements selected and the layer concerned.
3.1. Click on to switch to panoramic (3D) display mode.
3.2. Click on to download the photo to your device.
4.1. Click on to add a new entry.
4.4. Click on to edit an entry.
4.7. Click to delete an entry.
Fill These tools allow you to select the fill color and transparency for polygon type annotations. The section provides details on these tools.
The section provides details on these tools.
Text These tools allow you to define the size, rotation, and color of text added to the map. The section provides details on these tools.
Point 1. Click on to enable the tool. The icon changes color . 2. Click where you wish to add a point on the map. The appearance of points is defined in the and sections. You can select the features of points before drawing them. You can also of one or more points once they have been created.
Line 1. Click on to enable the tool. The icon changes color . 2. Click where you wish to add the first point of the line. 3. Click somewhere else to add a vertex to the line. 4. Double-click to complete the line. The appearance of lines is defined in the section. You can select the features of a line before drawing it. You can also of one or more lines once they have been created.
Circle 1. Click on to enable the tool. The icon changes color . 2. Click where you wish to draw the center of the circle. 3. Drag the pointer to draw the circle. 4. Click to complete the circle. The appearance of circles is defined in the and sections. You can select the features of a circle before drawing it. You can also of one or more circles once they have been created.
Rectangle 1. Click on to enable the tool. The icon changes color . 2. Click where you wish to draw the first vertex of the rectangle. 3. Drag the pointer to draw the rectangle. 4. Click to draw the opposite vertex and complete the rectangle. The appearance of rectangles is defined in the and sections. You can select the features of a rectangle before drawing it. You can also of one or many rectangles once they have been created.
Polygon 1. Click on to enable the tool. The icon changes color . 2. Click where you wish to draw the first vertex of the polygon. 3. Click to draw the vertices of the polygon. 4. Double-click to draw the last vertex and complete the polygon. The appearance of polygons is defined in the and sections. You can select the features of a polygon before drawing it. You can also of one or more polygons once they have been created.
Text 1. Click on to enable the tool. The icon changes color . 2. Click where you wish to add text on the map. The text entry interface opens. 3. Enter your text. 4. Click OK to save the text or click Cancel to close the interface without saving the text. The appearance of text is defined in the section. You can select the features of your text before entering it. You can also of one or more text entries once they have been created.