Information on the various layers of a project can be available in JMap Pro. This information could include the source of data, the date the last update was performed, the quality of the data, etc. This information, called layer metadata, is configured by the JMap administrator.
If a layer has metadata, you can preview it by placing the mouse pointer on the name of the layer in the layer manager.
To access the complete version of the metadata, you must click on the metadata button in the layer settings menu.
The elements explorer displays the attributes that are bound to the layers' elements. Each table is associated with a specific layer and each line in the table represents a layer element. This interface offers several possibilities for working with attributes.
The elements explorer can be enabled from the layer management window. It can also be opened by right-clicking on a map element and selecting Show in explorer. The elements explorer will open and select the row of attributes associated with the element. Conversely, double-clicking on a row in the table will zoom in on the associated element in the map; the element will briefly flicker.
Each tab is associated with a layer. The name of the layer is indicated, along with the number of elements that are loaded. The number of elements that are loaded on a layer can be inferior to the total number of elements contained within the layer. In this case, a special note ("partial") is added to the title of the tab.
Each layer attribute is represented by a column in the table. The column header indicates the attribute title. You can sort the table according to the values of an attribute by clicking on the header of the corresponding column. You can also sort the table according to several attributes by holding down the CTRL key and clicking on several headers. Lastly, you can move a column by selecting its header and dragging it horizontally.
The check boxes of the first column are used to select elements. All elements that are selected in the table will appear selected on the map. Conversely, all elements selected using selection tools on the map will be selected in the table.
Press this button to enable the automatic zoom function. If this function is enabled, the selected rows in the table will cause the map to zoom in on the associated map elements.
Press this button to enable the automatic highlight function. When this function is enabled, the elements corresponding to the selected rows will blink on the map.
Press this button to select all of the layer's elements.
Press this button to invert the selection on the layer. All selected elements will become unselected and vice-versa.
Press this button to unselect all of the layer's elements.
This button allows you to open the attributes table in a spreadsheet program such as Excel or export the table to a file in CSV format.
This button allows you to select the attributes to be displayed in the explorer.
Layer settings allow you to define many options associated with map layers in JMap. The layer settings management window is accessed from the layer management window. It can also be accessed by double-clicking on the name of a layer.
All default settings have been set by the JMap administrator but you can modify these according to your preferences. However, layer setting changes are made locally and will be lost at the end of your session unless saved within a map context (see for more information).
In JMap, map data is organized in layers. These layers are displayed transparently on the map and are piled one on top of the other. They are independent from one another and can be turned on or off. Layer order is important as some more opaque layers can hide elements found in lower layers. A layer must be visible in order to be displayed on a map and it must be selectable in order for users to select its elements.
The JMap administrator creates project layers as they appear when the project is opened. You can change the order of the layers as well as other settings; these changes will be lost when closing the application unless saved in a context. Refer to and for more information.
The JMap administrator also determines the frequency of automatic updating for each layer, i.e. how often your application will automatically reload the layer data from the JMap server.
Thematic maps allow you to illustrate information pertaining to a particular theme. For example, a thematic map on criminality could illustrate the various sectors of a city in different colors based on the crime rate in each of these. A thematic map could also illustrate the results of an election by representing a breakdown of the votes for each party in a pie chart. JMap allows you to create customized thematic maps using the various layers that are available and their attributes. Some thematics may be predefined by the JMap administrator but users can create new ones. Several thematics may exist for the same layer and each of these may be enabled or disabled. Each thematic has its own legend that can be displayed from the layer manager.
There are 2 categories of thematics in JMap: classifications and proportional quantities.
Classification thematics separate map elements into a number of classes (also called categories); each class has its own display style, which causes certain visual variables to change (fill color, stroke style, etc.). Therefore, all elements belonging to the same class share the same display properties.
The various types of classification thematics are presented below.
Graduated styles thematics use a graduation of one or more visual variables to represent the elements of various categories.
Examples of graduating visual variables include: graduation of the fill color of polygons from white to red; graduation of the size of an individual symbol from 1 to 5; graduation of the width of lines from 1 to 4, and so forth. In all cases, there is a finite number of categories and every element of the layer falls into one of these categories. Only numeric attributes can be used for this type of thematic.
Graduated symbols thematics draw circular symbols on the map elements they qualify. The symbol sizes graduate according to a finite number of categories based on a numeric attribute.
Individual values thematics display all elements of a given attribute possessing the same value with the same graphical properties. This type of thematic does not use ranges of values but rather specific values. There are as many classes as there are different values. The maximum number of different values allowed is 512. If a layer has more unique values, it will not be possible to create this type of thematic on that layer. Numeric and alphanumeric attributes can be used for this type of thematic.
Individual custom values thematics are similar to individual values thematics but they allow you to add values to the ones existing in the data. This is useful when you create a thematic using a data set that does not contain all the known possible values for an attribute at the time when the thematic is created.
Proportional quantities thematics display map elements by using a continuous variation of a visual variable based on a set of numeric attributes. No class is used, but an infinite number of displays are possible.
Proportional symbols thematics draw circular symbols on the center of the elements they qualify. The symbol sizes are determined by interpolation between the minimum and maximum values of a given numeric attribute.
Pie chart thematics draw pie chart diagrams on the center of the elements they qualify. This type of thematic is based on one or many numeric attributes. Each part of the diagram (piece of the pie) is associated with a given numeric attribute. The size of the diagram is proportional to the sum of the values of the element attributes; it is determined by interpolation between the minimum and maximum values of the sums of the attribute values.
Bar chart thematics display bar chart diagrams (also called histograms), which are superposed on the center of the elements they qualify. This type of thematic is based on one or more numeric attributes. Each part of the diagram (bar) is associated with a given numeric attribute. The size of the diagram is proportional to the sum of the elements' attribute values. It is determined by interpolation between the minimum and maximum values of the sums of the attribute values.
Several different methods can be employed to calculate the value ranges for the categories of graduated styles or graduated symbols thematics:
Equal ranges: The ranges will be equal in size (e.g. 0-10,10-20, 20-30).
Equal count: The range limits will be calculated so that an equal count of elements falls in each class.
Standard deviation:The range limits will be calculated so that the average value falls in the middle of the range, and the range size for each category is equal to the value of the calculated standard deviation.
Defined intervals: The range size is user-defined and constant for all categories.
Percent ranges: The size of each range is expressed as a percentage of the full range of values (e.g. 4 categories with 20%, 20%, 35% and 25%). The total must be equal to 100%.
Custom ranges: All range limits are user-defined.
Press this button to enable edit mode. Edit mode allows you to modify attribute values and to erase elements. This function is only available with editable layers including .
Several methods can be employed to calculate the value ranges for the categories of this type of thematic. Refer to for more information.
Several methods can be employed to calculate the value ranges for the categories of this type of thematic. Refer to for more information.
The layer management window allows you to turn layers on and off, change the order of layers, modify their settings, and so forth. Two displays are available for layer management: hierarchical display and list display.
The hierarchical display shows the layers logically grouped together in a tree structure. The hierarchy is defined by the JMap administrator. Each group of layers can be turned on or off. Layer order is determined by the system administrator and does not necessarily reflect the order in which layers are displayed on the map. When a group is turned on, all the visible layers it contains are displayed. When a group is turned off, none of the layers it contains and none of the layers in its sub-groups are displayed. Turning a group on or off does not affect the visibility of the layers it contains.
Press this button to switch to the hierarchical display.
Press this button to switch to the list display (view details below).
When entering a query in the search field, only the layers whose name contain the contents of your query will be displayed in the layer manager.
The group of layers is invisible. None of the layers that are part of this group will be displayed (even if some of them are checked as being visible).
The layer is visible. Click on it to make it invisible.
The layer is visible, but the map's current scale does not allow it to be displayed. Placing the mouse pointer over the check box allows you to view the scale at which the layer will be visible.
The layer is invisible. Click on it to make it visible.
This option allows you to perform the following (in a single click): - Make all layers selectable, - Make all layers not selectable, - Return to project default settings.
Graphical representation of layer on map.When the layer is a thematic, clicking on it allows you to obtain its legend.
Pop-up menu, accessible for each layer.
Zoom to display the full extent of the layer, allowing you to view the entire territory on which the elements of this layer are found.
This option allows you to access the elements explorer.
This option allows you to make the layer selectable or not selectable.
This option allows you to access the layer's settings.
This option allows you to hide the layer manager, minimizing it into a tab.
This option allows you to close the layer management window.
This option allows you to access the filter.
The list display presents the map layers in an organized list; all layers are displayed at the same level. The order of the layers in the list reflects the order according to which they are displayed on the map. The layer at the bottom of the list is the first one drawn on the map, and the layer at the top is the last one drawn. This interface allows you to change layer order by dragging a layer up or down in the list.
The thematic is enabled.
The thematic is disabled.
This option allows you to make the layer selectable or not selectable.
The layer is visible, but the map's current scale does not allow it to be displayed. Placing the mouse pointer over this check box allows you to view the scale at which the layer will be visible.
The layer is invisible.
This option allows you to access the layer's settings.
This option allows you to display the thematic's legend.
A single click on this button brings you back to the hierarchical layer manager.
When entering a query in the search field, only the layers whose names contain the contents of your query will be displayed in the layer manager.
This section presents the layer's general settings.
Visible: Determines whether the layer is visible or invisible. Only visible layers are displayed on the map. Selectable: Determines if layer elements are selectable. If this option is not selected, the elements of the layer cannot be selected using the selection tools. Overview: Adds layer to application overview. Overview can be enabled by selecting View->Map overview or by using the CTRL-O keyboard shortcut.
Visibility thresholds define the scale range within which a layer is displayed on the map. If the displayed map scale does not fall within the minimum and maximum values, the layer will not be displayed. If the options are not selected, thresholds will be ignored. If a layer is grayed out in the layer manager, this indicates that it is not displayed due to visibility thresholds. Depending on what the JMap administrator has decided, it is possible that these options cannot be modified.
Attributes that are bound to the layer's elements are presented in this table. Attribute titles and types are indicated. Layer attributes are descriptive data associated with layer elements. They are used for mouseover bubbles, labels, thematic maps, etc.
The style determines the graphical representation of elements on the map. This section allows you to modify the style of a layer's elements. There is a specific interface for each type of element (point, line, polygon, text, image, etc.) but several settings are common to all types. You can also define multiple styles for the same layer; each style is then used for a specific range of scales. Lastly, you can modify the style of selected elements on a layer.
The following interface displays existing styles for a layer.
This list displays existing styles for the layer. Each style applies to a specific range of scales.
Press Add... to create a new style for a given range of scales. Select a row in the table and press Delete in order to delete the corresponding style.
By default, the selection style for a layer is automatically created from the layer style and uses the project's default selection color. You can modify a layer's selection style by checking Override selection style and clicking on the Edit... button.
Some style properties are available for most types of elements.
Antialiasing is a method of representing perfect, continuous vectors on imperfect, discontinuous display devices so that they look as perfect as possible. In every style configuration section of JMap, you can enable antialiasing. This will result in better looking maps. However, display performances are reduced when antialiasing is enabled, so use it judiciously.
The following figure shows an example of a polygon border with antialiasing (left) and without antialiasing (right).
Partial object transparency can be used for every type of map element. A map element with a transparency value of 0% will be completely opaque, while one with a value of 100% will be invisible.
The following figure shows an example of a polygon with a transparency value of 50% (left) and one with a transparency value of 10% (right).
The blinking function makes layer elements blink on the screen. This property is not normally used for all of a layer's data but rather for a subgroup of elements with a thematic.
Select the symbol you wish to use to represent the elements. The symbol can be a vector symbol or an image.Vector symbols are provided with JMap and offer special characteristics compared to images. They can be resized without distortion and their fill color and border can be modified. However, they cannot be customized easily. Images are provided by the administrator and thus can be easily customized.
Specify the size of the symbol. A value of 1 corresponds to the original size of the symbol or image.
Specify the rotation to apply to the symbol.
Rotate symbol with the map
Select this option to have the symbol rotated when the map is rotated. If this option is not selected, the symbol will maintain its default angle, regardless of the map rotation.
Proportional size
Select this option if you want the size of the symbols displayed to vary in proportion to the map scale. You must enter the reference scale at which the symbols will be displayed in their normal size.
Offset symbol
You can enter values in pixels to offset the symbol vertically (Y) or horizontally (X). If the field indicates 0, 0, the symbol will be centered on the coordinates of the point.
Fill color
Specify the color of the interior of the vector symbol. For vector symbols only.
Transparent fill
Select this option to have the inside of the vector symbol completely transparent. For vector symbols only.
Line color
Specify the color of the lines of the vector symbol. For vector symbols only.
Border thickness
Specify the thickness of the border of the vector symbol. For vector symbols only.
Specify the color of the line.
Line thickness
Specify the thickness of the line, in pixels.
Specify the stroke style (dashed, solid, with border, etc.) to use to draw the line. JMap provides many stroke styles.
Border color
If the line has a border, specify its color. Refer to the Stroke parameter above for information on choosing a line with a border.
Border thickness
If the line has a border, specify its width. Refer to the Stroke parameter above for information on choosing a line with a border.
Specify the arrow option you wish to use: None: No arrow. Forward: Place an arrow on the line pointing towards the last point of the line. Backward: Place an arrow on the line pointing toward the first point of the line.
Position (%)
If an arrow is used, this parameter determines its relative position. A value of 50% places the arrow in the center of the line.
Specify the color of the polygon's interior.
Transparent fill
Select this option to have the inside of the polygon completely transparent.
Specify the fill pattern to use. JMap provides many patterns.
Pattern color
If a pattern is used, specify its color.
Transparent pattern fill
If a fill pattern is used, select this option to make the pattern background completely transparent.
Border color
Specify the color of the polygon's border.
Border thickness
Specify the thickness of the polygon's border.
Specify the stroke style (dashed, solid, with border, etc.) to use to draw the border of the polygon. JMap provides many stroke styles.
Transparency (%)
Specify the transparency to apply to the polygon's border.
Specify the font used to display the text.
Select this option to use bold text.
Select this option to use italicized text.
Select this option to use underlined text.
Select this option to use outlined text. The color of the outline may differ from that of the text, which improves the readability of the map.
Striked through
Select this option to use text that is striked through.
Text color
Specify the color of the text.
Outline color
If outlined text is used, specify the color of the outline.
Only partial transparency may be adjusted for image layers.
Each layer possesses a selection style. Selection styles are used to represent elements when they are selected on the map. By default, the selection style is automatically generated using the layer's basic styles and the project's default selection color.
To modify the selection style, select Override selection style and press the Edit... button.
This section allows you to create or modify a layer's thematics. Each layer can have 0, 1 or more thematics and each of these can be enabled or disabled. The JMap administrator can define the default thematics that will be available for each layer of a project. As a user, you can also define your own thematics. Refer to for general information on thematics in JMap.
The thematics management interface is as follows:
To create a new thematic of this type, you need to select the numeric attribute to use, define the number of categories, select the range calculation method and define the category styles.
The next section allows you to define the styles of the categories. There are two possibilities: create custom range styles or use predefined color schemes.
You must define the from and to values of the style by indicating the style variables that will vary (e.g. border thickness, symbol size, fill color, etc.). The category styles are then generated by interpolation between the from and to styles. Optionally, a third style can be used to create an inflexion point. If an inflexion is defined, the generated styles will pass through the inflexion point at the specified position in percentage. The interface is different based on the element type of the layer.
Color schemes
Instead of manually defining styles, you can select a color scheme to generate the styles of the thematic's categories.
Only numeric attributes can be used for this type of thematic.
Numeric and alphanumeric attributes can be used with this type of thematic.
To create a new thematic of this type, basically all you need to do is to select the attribute to use.
JMap uses random colors for this type of thematic. You can modify styles manually or click on Color Schemes to use a predefined color scheme.
Numeric and alphanumeric attributes can be used with this type of thematic.
Only numeric attributes can be used for this type of thematic.
To create a new thematic of this type, you need to select the numeric attribute to use and define the from and to styles. The symbol size and color will be interpolated between the from and to values.
Only numeric attributes can be used for this type of thematic.
To create a new thematic of this type, you need to select one or more numeric attributes to use and define the chart style.
Only numeric attributes can be used for this type of thematic.
The last step in creating any type of thematic consists of creating its legend.
The Labeling section allows you to modify the settings of the layer's labeling tools, including the labels' contents (displayed text), look, and so forth. As a user, you can customize these settings.
The interface for managing a layer's labels is as follows:
Example of curved labels (left) and labels with a frame (right):
Example of labels with a background symbol:
This option allows you to access layer metadata. Refer to the section.
There are several methods for calculating the ranges of values for the categories of this type of thematic. See for more information.
There are several methods for calculating the ranges of values for the categories of this type of thematic. See for more information.
The creation process is the same as for , as described above.
The creation process is similar to , except that you have the option to modify the list of individual values by adding, removing or modifying categories.
The creation process is similar to , as described above.
Select the numeric bound attribute to use.
Do not draw elements with out-of-sample values
If this option is selected, elements with values outside of the value range will not be displayed. This can happen when the data is modified after the thematic was created.
Create a category for null values
Select this option if you want null values to be represented in the thematic.
Enter the desired number of categories.
Range method
Select the method used to determine the bounds of the value ranges. Refer to Methods for calculating ranges for more information.
Remove duplicated categories
In some cases, categories can have the exact same value limits. Select this option to avoid having identical categories. This can happen with very small data sets or if limits are rounded to big numbers.
Round at
Select the precision to use to round category range limits. It is often more useful to have rounded limits than very precise ones (e.g. country populations rounded to the nearest million).
Use inflexion point at
Select this option to use an inflexion point and specify the position of the inflexion.
Edit base style
Use this link to modify the style of the layer without leaving the Thematics section. The base style is used to produce the styles of the categories.
Three types of color schemes are available: Sequential: The colors form a gradient of sequential colors (e.g. from white to red). Diverging: The colors form a gradient with a central color (e.g. from blue to white to red). Here emphasis is placed on central categories. Qualitative: Colors do not follow any sequence.
Apply to
You can choose to apply the palette to the available visual variables (e.g. fill, border, etc.), depending on the type of element on the layer.
Select the bound attribute to use. It can be numeric or alphanumeric.
Do not draw elements with out-of-sample values
If this option is selected, elements with values not present in the value sample will not be displayed. This can happen when the data is modified after the thematic was created.
Create a category for null values
Select this option if you want null values to be represented in the thematic.
Select one or more numeric attributes. Each attribute will be represented by a piece of the pie chart. The size of the chart will be determined by the sum of those attribute values.
Do not draw elements with out-of-sample values
If this option is selected, elements with values not present in the value sample will not be displayed. This can happen when the data is modified after the thematic was created.
Ignore negative values
Select this option to ignore negative values.
Chart size
Select the from size (smaller) and the to size (bigger). The chart size will be determined by interpolation between these two values.
Border thickness
To draw a border around the chart, select a non zero border thickness.
Start angle
Select one of the directions to use as the starting angle of the chart. The first piece of the pie chart will start at the specified angle.
Draw shadow
Select this option to draw a shadow for the pie charts.
Select the label type (or none) to indicate the value or relative percentage of each piece of the pie chart.
Select the color of each portion of the pie chart.
Enter a title for the legend.
Enter a subtitle for the legend.
Dynamic legend
For classification thematics only. Check this option to make the legend dynamic. A dynamic legend is constantly refreshed to display only the classes that are visible on the map displayed.
A preview of the thematic is displayed.
This section allows you to access advanced layer management settings. These settings are normally used by system administrators.
Some layers allow for data editing, which includes adding, moving, modifying and deleting geometries as well as entering or modifying their attribute values and other data, using forms. This is the case if the JMap administrator has given you permission to modify the contents of one or more layers in a JMap project. Another case is when you use personal layers, which have been created by you or other users who have granted you editing privileges. In both cases, editing tools must be activated in the application.
This table shows the list of existing thematics for this layer. The first column is used to enable or disable thematics. Only enabled thematics are displayed on the map.
These arrows are used to modify the order of the layer's thematics. If several thematics are enabled at the same time on the layer, it is important to consider their order to avoid having some layers hide others. It is normal that some thematics cannot be displayed simultaneously.
Press New... to create a new thematic. The thematic creation interfaces vary depending on the type of thematic selected. Press Edit... to modify an existing thematic. Note that thematics created by the JMap administrator cannot be modified. Press Duplicate to copy the selected thematic. An identical thematic will be created with a new name. Press Delete to delete the selected thematic(s).
Enter the text of the layer's label.
Use the ev(attrib)
function to insert the attribute value specified in parenthesis.
The attributes list allows you to select attributes and add them to the label text simply by pressing the button with the down arrow.
Labels also support javascript programming to perform mathematic operations as well as operations on character strings using attribute values.
The text can span several lines.
Press this button to modify the display style of the label text (font, size, color, etc.).
Enable automatic labeling in order to automatically display labels for layer elements according to specified parameters.
The maximum and minimum scales are used to limit automatic labeling to a certain range of scales.
Select the position of the label in relation with the element it identifies. Some positions are not available for all types of elements.
Allow overlapping: Allows labels of the current layer to overlap each other and overlap labels of other layers. Prevent duplication: Filters labels to be displayed in order to avoid repeating the same text. If several labels have the same text, only the first one will be displayed. This function is useful for street names. Parse numeric labels: If the label contains both text and numeric values, only the numeric values will be displayed. Useful when you want to display only highway numbers using an attribute containing other text (e.g. "Highway 40" becomes "40").
Symbol under labels: Select this option to choose a symbol that will be displayed under the label text. Note that the label text must fit inside the selected symbol. This option is mostly used for highway symbols containing highway numbers. Frame: Select this option to draw a frame around the label text. Color: You can select the color of the frame's background. Border color: You can select the color of the frame's border. Proportional size: By default, label text is always displayed with the specified font size, independently of the scale of the map. Use this option to have the label text size adjusted proportionally to the scale of the map. The text will appear in the specified font size when the map is displayed at the specified reference scale. When the scale of the displayed map is changed, the text size will be modified accordingly.
Rotation options allow you to control the way labels are rotated. Attribute: Choose the attribute containing the rotation to apply to each layer symbol. Only numeric attributes are available. Direction: If an attribute is used for the rotation, indicate the direction of the rotation (clockwise or counterclockwise). Follow map rotation: Select this option to have labels follow map rotation. If a map rotation is set, the same rotation will apply to the labels.
Two tools allow you to create, modify or delete elements on an editable layer:
JMap's Edition extension allows you to create new elements directly in a map-based interface and modify or delete them.
The elements explorer allows you modify attributes of existing elements or delete existing elements in the personal layers.
The JMap administrator included this extension in the JMap Pro application. The user manual of Edition extension, which can be accessed via your application's help menu, provides more details about this extension's functions.
If the edition tools are not visible, you can display them by selecting Edition in the View menu. The graphical user interface of the Edition extension is as follows:
Select the type of geometry you wish to create. Your selection must not be incompatible with the type of layer (e.g. you cannot create polygons on a layer of points).
Select the layer on which you wish to create elements. If several editable layers have been added to the project (including personal layers), they will all appear in this list. Note: The layer named Annotations is not a personal layer. It is a generic layer on which you can draw freely but it does not allow you to define attributes.
All editing operations can be canceled individually if they have not been saved. You can also restore canceled actions by clicking on the Redo arrow.
To create new elements you must select the editable layer in the extension Edition window and then the type of geometry of the layer, as indicated in the previous table.
You can create the geometry of each element using the editing tools directly by clicking on the map at the desired position. This section of the user manual of Edition provides details on the subject.
When the geometry is created, the attribute entry form is displayed. You can enter the values of the attributes here. Some attributes are required. The form can only be closed when all the required attributes have been completed.
Some attribute are affected by data validation rules. These rules are configured by the JMap administrator and are used to ensure the quality of the data collected with the form.
Two examples of validation rules:
a) If I select certain values in attribute A, attribute B becomes mandatory.
b) I select a value in attribute A and the attribute B value is calculated automatically.
You cannot save the form if the values you enter do not meet the validation rules.
The following section provides more details on the forms.
You can change the location, geometry, or attributes of cartographic elements.
To modify the attributes of an element you must click on the element in the map with the right button in order to display the pop-up menu. Select the Edit attributes function and select the element you want to edit. Notice that all the elements of the editable layers that are in the place where you clicked are displayed.
The element attributes form displays and you can edit the editable fields.
If the form contains a relevant field, you can add photos (standard and 360 degrees) from your computer's file system. You can also add a title and comments to photos that were entered using a JMap Survey application, or to photos that were uploaded as files in the forms of JMap Pro and JMap Web applications. To do this:
Open the form of the element you want to edit using the Edit attributes function in the pop-up menu. When the pointer moves over a photo, its name is displayed.
Double-click on a photo to open the metadata interface of the photo.
Add or edit the Title of the photo.
Add or edit a Comment. Your comment can contain up to 255 characters.
Metadata of the photo can be included and you can modify its presentation format.
Press OK to close the data interface of the photo.
Press OK to close the form.
Save the changes in the interface of the Edition extension. You can see the new title in the element form.
You can view the changes in the element's form and also in the mouseover bubble, if it has been configured to display the photo. To do so, double-click on the photo of your choice in the mouseover bubble to open the photo viewer. Note that the amount of photos to display in the mouseover bubble and their size can cause a delay in the display of the mouseover bubble. As 360 degree photos are large the delay in the display can be pronounced.
Forms can contain nested subforms. These may be used, for example, to enter information on the inspections performed for an element over time, as shown in the following image.
The pop-up menu offers editing tools for individual elements or for a selection of elements that you have made using the selection tools: you can delete the elements or you can duplicate them to another editable layer.
You must always save or cancel the transactions made in the extension Edition window for the changes to be saved.
You can also batch edit the attributes of a selection of elements from certain layers. Indeed, when a layer contains forms with subforms, you can edit the attributes of the form or of a subform in batches, for a set of elements you have selected. In the case of subforms, editing includes adding new records as well as modifying or deleting existing records.
The following figure illustrates this process.
In the extension Edition window, select the layer you want to edit.
Select elements from the layer using the interactive selection tools.
Open the attributes form of the selected elements using the pop-up menu.
Select the subform records you wish to modify and press Edit.... The subform interface displays.
Modify the attribute values for the set of selected elements.
Press OK to close the subform.
Press Add to add a new record to the subform. The procedure is similar to that of editing existing records.
To delete recordings, select them and press Delete.
Save the transactions made in the extension Edition window. The number of transactions is equal to the number of modifications made (edition, addition or deletion) times the number of elements of the layer selected.
The Edition extension also allows you to edit WKT elements. You can add WKT elements from Tools -> Add WKT geometry in the menu bar. A window opens, allowing you to enter the coordinates of the elements you want to add.
The elements are added in the Annotations layer. They can be saved in a context, where they can be selected and duplicated in other editable layers using the pop-up menu. This menu also allows you to delete elements and modify their vertical position.
The pop-up menu also allows you to edit WKT elements. The Edit WKT geometry function displays the elements of the layers found at the map point where the context menu is open. Select one of the elements to open the window containing the element's coordinates and data. If you have the appropriate permissions, you can edit this data.
Click on a field to enter or modify the attribute value.
Some of the attributes that are displayed cannot be edited (Author, Creation Time, Modification Time, ID JMap). These are system attributes and their values are automatically set by JMap.
Layer elements can also be deleted if Edit mode is enabled.
Select the element you want to delete. Press Delete on your computer keyboard.
The element disappears from the elements explorer.
The transaction must be saved in the Edition extension's window.
This section defines the filter parameters that can be applied to vector layers. You can filter the elements of a layer by configuring a filter. Items that do not match the filter criteria are not displayed.
Check the box to enable the filter. Items that do not pass the filter are not displayed in the layer.
You can disable the filter without deleting it.
Attributes that make up the filter.
Each attribute has an operator and an attribute value.
Operators vary depending on the attribute type.
Click the icon to add another attribute to the filter.
equals: This operator filters a layer's elements to display the elements whose attribute value (regardless of its type) is equal to one of the values selected by the JMap administrator or JMap Pro user.
does not equal: This operator filters a layer's elements to display the elements whose attribute value (regardless of its type) is different from the values selected by the the JMap administrator or JMap Pro user.
greater than: This operator filters a layer's elements to display the elements whose attribute value (numeric or date) is greater than the value selected by the JMap administrator or JMap Pro user.
greater or equal to: This operator filters a layer's elements to display the elements whose attribute value (numeric or date) is greater than or equal to the value selected by the JMap administrator or JMap Pro user.
less than: This operator filters a layer's elements to display the elements whose attribute value (numeric or date) is less than the value selected by the JMap administrator or JMap Pro user.
less or equal to: This operator filters a layer's elements to display the elements whose attribute value (numeric or date) is less than or equal to the value selected by the JMap administrator or JMap Pro user.
contains: This operator filters a layer's elements to display the elements whose attribute value (text) contains the value selected by the JMap administrator or JMap Pro user.
does not contain: This operator filters a layer's elements to display the elements whose attribute value (text) does not contain the value selected by the JMap administrator or JMap Pro user.
is empty: This operator filters a layer's elements to display the elements whose attribute (text) does not have a value.
is not empty: This operator filters a layer's elements to display the elements whose attribute (text) has a value.
is null: This operator filters a layer's elements to display the elements whose attribute value (regardless of its type) is null.
is not null: This operator filters a layer's elements to display the elements whose attribute value (regardless of its type) is not null.
is between: This operator filters a layer's elements to display the elements whose attribute value (numeric or date) is within the range defined by the two values entered by the JMap administrator or JMap Pro user.
is not between: This operator filters a layer's elements to display the elements whose attribute value (numeric or date) is not within the range defined by the two values entered by the JMap administrator or JMap Pro user.
last: This operator filters a layer's elements to display the elements whose date attribute value is within the range (expressed in years, months, week(s), day(s), hour(s)) defined by the JMap administrator or JMap Pro user.
interval: This operator filters a layer's data based on time ranges defined using a start date, an end date and a reference date. The user therefore has a tool to display data that varies over time.
The layer must contain at least two date and/or timestamp attributes, one of these being the start Date/Time, and the other being the end Date/Time. The values of these dates can be NULL to indicate a start date that goes a long way back or an end date that is very far in the future.
A reference date is also needed. This date can be a specific date (in the past or in the future) or a current Date/Time, which indicates the present moment.
Only layer elements whose reference date is between the start and end date are displayed in the map.
The following figure illustrates this filter.
This section allows you to define mouseover settings for the layer, such as the contents to be displayed, the color of the mouseover bubble, etc.
The mouseover configuration interface is as follows:
The Attributes list allows you to select attributes and add them to the mouseover bubble's contents by pressing the button with the downward arrow.
The Functions list allows you to select content formatting functions (bold, italic, etc.) and to add these to the mouseover bubble's contents by pressing the button with the downward arrow.
Select the mouseover bubble's background color for this layer.
The following options modify mouseover behavior. Mouse over visible: Enable or disable mouseover for the current layer. Prevent text duplication: Avoid having content repeat itself within a bubble.
Visibility thresholds define the scale range within which mouseover bubbles are displayed on the map. If you do not select this option, the mouseover bubble will be displayed at all scales.
You must provide the text that will be used as mouseover content. This text can include static parts (displayed as is), variable parts (functions replaced by other values when the map is displayed), simple javascript programs as well as HTML tags. For example, the element value(city)
function, or ev(city)
in its abbreviated form, will be replaced by the value of the city attribute of the pointed element, when displayed.
The mouseover text can span multiple lines. Simply write the text over more than one line and the mouseover bubble will use the same formatting.
The mouseover syntax is comprised of various functions that will determine the content of the bubbles. Functions and their parameters are generally not case sensitive. For instance, ev(city)
is equal to Ev(CITY)
The following table explains the various available functions:
elementValue(attrib) or ev(attrib) attrib: the name of an attribute
Replaced by the value of the bound attribute whose name is passed as a parameter for the pointed element.
For example, ev(id)
will be replaced by the value of the id attribute for this element.
Replaced by the element identifier.
Replaced by the area of a pointed polygon type element.
Replaced by the length of a pointed line type element.
Replaced by the coordinates of the geometric centroid of the element's geometry.
format(attrib, format) attrib: the name of a date or numerical attribute format: the desired date format
ifNull(attrib, value) attrib: the name of the attribute to test value: the value to display if attrib is null
Replaced by the value value only if the value of the attrib attribute is null.
If the attribute value is not null, nothing is displayed.
ifNull(temp, N/A)
Displays N/A if the value of the temp attribute is null.
ifNull(attrib_a, attrib_b)
Displays the value of the attrib_b attribute if the value of the attrib_a attribute is null.
ifNotNull(attrib, value) attrib: the name of the attribute to test value: the value to display if attrib is not null
Replaced by the value only if the value of the attrib attribute is not null.
If the attribute value is null, nothing is displayed.
ifNotNull(land_value, $)
Displays only if the value of land_value is not null.
subString(attrib, startIx, endIx) attrib: the name of the attribute for which a part must be extracted. startIx: starting position in the character string. endIx: ending position in the character string.
Replaced by a portion of the value (as a character string) of the attrib attribute, between the startIx position and endIx position. Example
subString(name, 0, 5)
Replaced by the first five characters of the name attribute value. If this value is Montreal, the mouseover will display Montr.
encode(attrib, encoding) attrib: the name of the attribute to code encoding: the name of the encoding
Replaced by the value of the attrib attribute once it is encoded with the specified character encoding (UTF-8, CP437, ISO 8859-1, etc).
encode(name, UTF-8)
Replaced by the value of the name attribute encoded in UTF-8 characters.
<script> code JavaScript</script>
Runs the JavaScript code found between the tags.
In JavaScript, the attribute values of the elements are accessible through the elementValue()
or ev()
Mathematical operations or character string operations can be performed on attribute values.
To display content in the mouseover, the script must call on the print()
print ( ev(population) / ev(area) );
Calculates and displays the result of the value of the population attribute divided by the value of the area attribute.
var KM_IN_MI = 0.621371;
var dist_mi = ev(km) * KM_IN_MI;
print(dist_mi.toFixed(1) + " mi");
Converts the distance in kilometers contained in the value of the km attribute into miles.
Displays the value of the osm_name attribute and the distance in miles with a decimal figure.
<a href="download:file URL">some text</a>
JMap supports a special hyperlink syntax that allows a user to download a file by clicking on the link.
The file to download can come from a http: or a file: URL.
<a href="download:http://someserver/123/report.pdf">Download</a>
Displays a link that can be used to download the report.pdf file from the web.
<a href="download:file://D:/123/report.pdf">Download</a>
Displays a link that can be used to download the report.pdf file from a Windows file system folder.
Replaced by smaller versions of the images attached to the element.
The user can click on a thumbnail to open the full size image. photosAsThumbnails(title)
With these options, the title and/or date will be displayed with each thumbnail.
It is very important that you do not add any spaces between title, the comma, and date.
Replaced by the name of the current project.
Replaced by the user code of the user that is currently connected.
Replaced by the identifier of the current session.
Replaced by the name of the host or address of the JMap Server instance to which the application is connected.
Replaced by the port number (http or direct) of the JMap Server instance to which the application is connected.
Replaced by the current date and time.
The contents of the bubble can be formatted using simple HTML tags. Mouseover bubbles do not support CSS or advanced tags such as <DIV>
The following HTML tags are supported and frequently used in mouseover bubbles:
<B>, <I>, <U>, <A>, <IMG>, <BR>, <TABLE>
You can insert hyperlinks in bubbles. These hyperlinks can be clicked, and they allow users to open HTML pages or to open or download files.
Mouseover content
City : ev(CITY)
A simple example of static text with the value of an attribute.
City: ev(CITY)
Example containing static parts and displaying 2 attribute values on 2 lines.
<a href="ev(URL)">Site web</a>
An example of basic formatting using HTML tags and a hyperlink where the URL comes from the value of the URL attribute.
<img src="ev(IMAGE_URL)" height="175" width="234" />
An example of an HTML tag that takes the image URL from the value of the IMAGE_URL attribute.
Area :
ev(AREA_KM2) km2
var SQ_KM_IN_SQ_MI = 2.58998811;
var area_sq_mi = ev(AREA_KM2) / SQ_KM_IN_SQ_MI;
print(area_sq_mi.toFixed(1) + " sq. mi");
An example of a <script>
tag with JavaScript code. The value of the AREA_KM2 attribute is converted from square kilometers to square miles.
<table style="border:3px solid black; border-radius:5px; background: #1fc8db; color:white">
<tr> <th class="">Name</th> <th class="actions">FirstName</th> </tr> </thead>
<tbody> <tr> <td class="">Gratton</td> <td class="actions">Bob</td> </tr> </tbody>
An example of formatting with a style attribute.
Mouseover supports a function to locate map coordinates or elements using a special URL syntax. A hyperlink is displayed in the bubble, and when it is clicked, the map locates the specified element(s) or region.
Mouseover locate example
<a href="locate:region;-73;45;5;5">Locate</a>
Displays a Locate hyperlink. When clicked, locates the region defined by x=-73, y = 45, width = 5, height = 5 in the same map. This is expressed in the map's units.
<a href="locate:object;subway;name;'atwater'">Locate</a>
Displays a Locate hyperlink. When clicked, locates the elements on the subway layer that have their attribute name equal to atwater in the same map.
<a href="locate:object;subway;name;'a%'">Locate</a>
Displays a Locate hyperlink. When clicked, locates the elements on the subway layer that have their attribute name starting with letter a in the same map.
<a href="locate:object;subway;name;'atwater';1000">Locate</a>
Displays a Locate hyperlink. When clicked, locates the elements on the subway layer that have their attribute name equal to atwater in the same map. The resulting map has a scale of 1 : 1000.
<a href="locate:object;subway;name;'atwater':target=Result">Locate</a>
Displays a Locate hyperlink. When clicked, locates, in a new map called Result, the elements on the subway layer that have their attribute name equal to atwater. If a map called Result already exists, it is reused. If the name of the map was new, a new map (with an automatically generated name) would be created each time.
You can specify a URL that opens an HTML page to display in the mouseover bubble (only supported in JMap Pro). The HTML page will occupy 100% of the bubble. The syntax is as follows:
The specified URL can be static or it can come from an attribute. It can also use attribute values as parameters, as shown below:
Personal layers are editable map data layers created by users. When you create a personal layer, you assign it a name, a type (point, line, polygon), a style, and a list of attributes. You can then begin to add map elements to it by drawing them using JMap's editing tools. You can also enter values for the layer's element attributes.
Personal layers can be shared between users; various access levels can be defined for these purposes.
The personal layer management interface shows you a list of the personal layers you can access. These layers may have been created by you or by other users who shared them with you. This window can be accessed through the Project -> Personal layers... menu or by pressing CTRL+L.
Special permissions are required to create personal layers. Contact your JMap administrator for more information.
The personal layer management interface is as follows:
The filter field allows you to filter the list of personal layers; to do so, type a few letters of the names of the layers you wish to retrieve.
Layers that are checked are added to the project's layers. Personal layers can be added to a project or removed from it at any time.
This section displays your access privileges in relation to the project's various personal layers. Keep in mind that the Read permission, which allows you to display data, is implied for all of the personal layers you have access to. Owner: This permission indicates that you are the owner of the layer, which allows you to modify or delete it. In addition, being the owner of a layer allows you to share it with other users. Note that the Owner permission automatically gives you Write permission. Write: This permission allows you to add, modify, and delete elements on the layer. You can also modify the values of element attributes.
This is the interface for creating and modifying personal layers:
Name: Enter the name of the layer. Names do not have to be unique, but we recommend using names that have meaning; spaces can be used in the names. Type: Indicate which type of elements (point, line or polygon) the layer will contain.
Press this button to configure the style of layer elements.
This table presents the list of attributes defined for the personal layer. When adding a new attribute, you can enter its name and the type of data it will contain. Note: It is impossible to change the name and type of an existing attribute.
Personal layers can be shared with other users according to various access levels. The following permissions are available:
Allows the user to add the layer to his or her project and display its data on the map.
A user who has this access privilege automatically inherits the read permission. In addition, the user can create, modify, and delete the personal layer's geometric and descriptive data (attributes).
A user who has this permission automatically inherits read and write permissions. In addition, the user can modify the personal layer's settings, delete it or share it with other users.
When you bring changes (add, modify, delete) to a personal layer, JMap stores the transactions that should be saved. Press to save the layer transactions on the JMap server. Press to reject the transactions and cancel all changes on the layer.
Once you have created the items you should save them by pressing in the Edition extension window.
To change the location of an element, you need to select it with the edition selection tool and move it to the new position.
To modify the geometry of an element, you must select it with the edition selection tool and use the tools to perform node operations of lines and polygons. This section of the user manual of Edition provides details on these operations.
Click on to download the photo.
Element attribute values can be entered or modified directly in the elements explorer of a personal layer. Edit mode must be enabled by pressing .
Press to enable theedit mode. In this mode, all modifiable attribute values can be entered or changed. Afterward, click on a field to change its value. Date fields display a calendar to facilitate data entry. Values that are entered are validated in order to ensure their compatibility with the attribute type. For more information on how to use the elements explorer, refer to .
The icon next to the layer name indicates that a filter is enabled. The filter can be disabled by unchecking the corresponding box. In this case all the elements of the layer are displayed and the icon indicates that a filter is configured for the layer.
Enter the mouseover bubble's contents. This can include static text, as well as functions displaying attribute values, images, etc. Mouseover bubbles also support javascript programming to perform mathematic operations as well as operations on character strings using attribute values. For more information on defining the content of mouseover bubbles, refer to .
Replaced by a number or date that was formatted according to a specific format.
format(date_insp, dd/MM/yyyy)
where date_insp is the name of an attribute containing a date and dd/MM/yyyy is the desired date format, as indicated in the documentation of the Java class. Example
format(attrib, ##0,00)
where attrib is the name of an attribute containing a number and ##0,00 is the desired number format, as indicated in the documentation of the Java class.
Click on to create a new personal layer. Click on to erase the selected personal layer. Click on to share the selected personal layer.
You can define a list of attributes for the layer. The values of these attributes can be entered using a form or the elements explorer. Press to add an attribute to the personal layer. Press to remove an attribute from the personal layer. If needed, press and select a layer to copy the attributes list of an existing layer.
In order to share a personal layer, click on the Share icon in the personal layer management window. The following window appears and shows the list of users, allowing you to define permissions for each one.